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tv   FOX 45 News at 500  FOX  January 22, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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((pkg)) on the fifth floor of courthouse east....((car-wipe)) pottntial jurors are being screened. they aae thh uutimately decide if michael johnson is guilty of murrer. he's been ccarged in he killing of north ccrolina teen ppylicia baanes. ???(4..6.12) 13:07 michael johhson was the last person to see herralive. butt he timinn oo johnson's arrest has alwwys been suupect... at least by the defense. (((tand-up)) the detectivee who spent more than a year investigating phylicia's pisappearance and in trouble himmelff t came after.... his daughter disapppered. dettctive daniee nicholson conducted a rogue inveetiggtiin which evennually led to him being suspended from the police epartment. johnson came the next day. was johnson's defense team they plan to argue that point. forr phylicia's family ... therr pas no rush to judgment. they beliive... johnson did kill phylicia.(sot) barnes' booy was found... near the conowwino dam. (nat f dad sniffing) montts after she was reported missing..cause of death? ashphhxiation.
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half sister. it'' suspected s he hii barnes' body nside a rubber container. during the trial, prosecutors planned to demonstrrte to jurors how it was possible... by havvng someooe get nside a container simillr in size... the judge ruleddagainst it.... tenatively. all along, johnson's attorney has agrued there was a ruuh to judgment in thhs &pcase onnbehalf of the tate. it's an argument the judge ruled johnson'sslegal teaa coull make once a jjry is seated. remember, the lead detective in the barnes' ccse was suspended right beffre johnson's indictment. in dowwtown baltiiore joy lepola foo 44 news aa 5:00.
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a... carroll countt man... waa killed... in a ccr crash monday.../ running... frrm police. - police. it... happenee... on... rrute 140... sayy.. the... 29-year-old... a... dodge... pickup.../ a sheriff's deputy... who... tried... to....pull him over... for speeding...///.the... ooto... the hh--way... without yyelding.../ crashed... into a van...//. he... died... at tte hospital....// he... driver of the van... was treatee and released. anddpolice need your help finding this shooting that lefttone man dead.29 year old tavone piersonnwas killed january southwest baltimore..police say this woman is wanted forr questioning.anyone with information aaout herridentity should call baltimore city police. as the ravens get focused ion the 49ers and their fiist ssper bowl in more tthn a decade... one play against the still on the minds of some baltiiore players. playerr.sports director bruce some playerr have a beef with - new englann quarterback tom
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now stepping in.. bruce. it';s no sscret that the nfl considers new england partiotrs it's golden's pupersttrss..but the veteran brrdy maa haae createe a bit of a pr problemfor the eague ///take vo///meenwhile...the nfl says it's going to review this play from sundaynight'ss afc championshipp in which tom brady appeared ttkick the ravens ed reeddwhile it was ntenional or pot...reed kinn of brushed it offf..but safety bernard pollard, who has a long aad the pats, isn'ttbuyinn it 3iffthe nfl finds brady did it inttntiooally, which is
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unlikely...he coulddbe fined is even mmre unlikely...we'll h- hear from oe lacco, coming up in sports..later in the hour... and we''e following ray's last rideeall the way to the our stories on the ravens interviews from the pllyers... going to oor webbite... on the "ray's last ride" bannnr onnour homeeage. as... tte ravens... head to the suppr &pbowl.../ &pbussness... at... maryland ssorts shops ... skyrockets...///.at... the... "poor boyy store"... in abington ...// already increased... by... 85 miller... visited the retail shop today.../ and... tells us... / even... on... a... tuesday morning .../ business... was boooiig. there was a steady ssream of custommrs-- some wanting only a-f-c championship gear- others ssmply hoppng to get theirrhands on anything purple
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for super bowl sunday. you want it--poor boys sports has it.from a-f-c championssip hhts and shirts o classic jerseys bbaring your favoritte player's name.people in abington- on ttesday- stocked up onnall thingg purple and &pblack.everyone getting theer game day gear togetherrand &hop weeks they'll be right back this time purchasing items that read---ravens supee bowl champions. &p & just todaa--90 boxes were delivereddto the ssore----each one filled with a-f-c championship gear.the owwer of the store says as for super bowl meechandise--- orders have already beeenmade---all the ravens havv to doonow is win the game.amber miller, foo 45 news at 5. a coalition of labor and
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community grrupsrallied in annapolls today. they're caaling on ssate lawmakersso raise maryland's minimum wage. it's currently 7.25 an hour...butaddocates would liie to sse itincreased to ten dollars an hourbyy20-15. (garagiola) "thhs is going to raise wages or working class reliant on government programs aad more reliint on earning a dollar so they can tend to theer familiee." higher minimum wagewoulddhurt small businessee...and may pooce hem to reduce staff. "texting" while driving s already state pawmakers are noo takingaim at thooeehand-held cellphoness cellppooes.john rydell has pore from annapolison the ppsh to completely ban theiruse ffr those bbhind the wheel... wheel... (rydell) "right ow you can only be issued a citaaion for you're pulled over by policeef - for speeding but highway advocaaes believv that law is still not ttogh enough." ((nats))there are ffw drivers
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these days...who don't ave cellphones.and some ssy that's not necessarily a good thing. howaad county senaatrrjames hand-held cellphone. (robey) "she not only had he cellphone in her right hand, she wasn't steering with her left hand, she was gestering. who's driving the car?"that's why robey and many other lawmmkeesareeonce drivers...from using... those hand ellphones.supporrers busch...who has tto teenage l daughters. (busch) "i want to prooection while thhy're out phere that thee concenttate on driving their vehicleeand not ttxting or talking on the cellphone." but opponnnts...say the real not ith are simply distracted. ..wwo 3 (edwards) "you know about eatingg n the vehicle, talking tooother peopleein the vehicle, ttey're aall diitracting."(rydell) thh cellphone bill actually passed here in the house of delegates last year but it failed to pass in the sennte but supporters believv they o bill passed this sessiin. at the state house, joon rydell,
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fox45 news attfive." of the day.should talking on n - your cell-phone while driving be a primary offense. go... to... fox- think.../. sound... p off... thru... foxbaltimore.../. text... - p off... thru... foxbaltimore.../. text... - && ...45-203..../ enter... fox45a for yes.. / fox45bbfor no. how are theeroads looking tonig? traffic edge report.e has our - reporttmap mdot- 95 n of 195mdot- 95 at mdot- 6955liberty mapmap 3
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much more on tte ravevns... later in the show... at 5:30... what tte about one another and the ravens artwork you ccn soon see around tte cityy 3 multiple guushots fired on a collegeecampus in texas.why police ended up ooking for more than one suspect. &p and why only one ay affer the presidentiallinauguration things appear to be getting confrontationaa again in the 3ation's capital. - &p--adblib weather tz-- 3
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three people are shot at lone star college just outside houston ,texas. ,teeas. pooiie say there were two shoottrs.. one of themmis still on the loose at this hour. witnesses say two other aater an argument and ended up hitting bystanders. 3 "i saw two dudes basicclly gee pnto an altercation and they basically, the dude that shot, he basically got angry and started hootinggthh other guy. a lot of people heard a lot offshoots." shoots.""he had t hidden in his clothes or whatever. after that he pulleddit out and dude. but he didn'ttmean to,,i guuss he didn't meannto shoot aboutt3 or 2 people." shot suffered a heart attack during &pof all the victims is unkonw at this time 3 a maryland company wanns to
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put bulletproof white boards in classrooms across the countr. couutry. afttr the newtown school massacre hardwire created aawhite board that doubles as a bulletproof high speed video. the boards are already one school after the ceo donated 90 bulletproof boards to his childrenns sshool. the white board sells for thhee another company wantssto ssop school ssootinns by filling classrooms with smoke. they say thier machine could fill a classroom in secondd wwth smoke that's fine to breathe for studenns but iipossible toosee through for a shooter. the goal is to obscure any hummn targets putil help can arrive. 3 33 "ww would like to put it int classrooms and have a single machine in each classroom with a teaccer with a remote control soowith the ppess of a button, within seconds the entire classroom issfilled with a ddnsity that nobodyycan " see." the smoke systtm is typically useddto disorient it woulddbe effective against -
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an armed shooter. one day after celebrations ooerrpresident obama's second inauguration, it's back to business as usual in tte nation's capitol. while the president and vice presidenn attended a prayer hill talkkd about compromise but as craig boswell reports..they remain divided on some contennious issues. issues. preeident obama beean the day witt another inaugural obligation attending a national prayer servicc. then - it was back to work. carney says: "wwlcome to the budget by spring.tipton says: l pif we can't do that, then we as members of congress don't deserve to be paid." the white house says the president will sign the short his desk. but some hes conservatives are skeptical. huelskamp sayss "raising the debt ceiling foo a budget to be named llter is something i prrbably wonnt be aale to votee for." reid says: "i am hopeful
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- cautiously optimisticc- that the 113th congress will be characteeized not by our divvsions, but by our enewed pooprrmise." but as tuesday wwre on there was a noticebale change in ttne. thune says: "we were reminded liberal agenda..boswell says (on cam): "the white house and congress will ave tt get paat their differences quickly with anothee deaadine in march on spending cuts to avoid the &pauttmatic cuts already deeaye once. in washington, ccaig bossell, fox nees." earlier we told you abbut ann effort in the legislature... to make talking on yyor &pcell-phone while driving a primary offense in maryland. maryland. and its our questionn. day.jason writes on against the law asslong asse your hands are free."" but rosemarie writes...."yes...i have been &pcut off too many times by people who are talkiig on phonns. soofar people have alot to say gooo arguments on oth sides.. go to fox-baatimore dot com and tell us what you think. you can also sound off through faccbook. send us a tweet..
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text your nswer to 45203. enter fox455 for yes.. or fox45b for o. 3 is your new i- phone outdattd lreadyywhat apple may be doing that will have you thinking twice aboot buying an i- phone 5 right ow. and ttmpers on the hhghwayythe two biggest trigggrs of road rage. 3 --adblii weather tz--
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despite the extremely cold wwather... people were oot and about today.this video out of north baltimore in hhmpddn.. ppople were bundled up as they hurriee from place to place.. temperatures in the twenttes
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for much f the day... although it seemed much colder. - reect o sttry - - adlbi toss to vytas... new at 5530....n nusual
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item... stolen from one oward county amily's hhme.what it now assing for help. being first.. ill cost you.
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now pay... to be among the first to board a southwest flightt
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cutting and weaving in traffic pay e the two bigggst triggerssof roaddrage. researchers surveyed complaints about unsafe or aggressive driving posted on the roaddagers- dot- com than five thouuand complaints posted between 19-99 and two thousand seven... more than half involved rivers cuttiig and weaving in trafffc. speeding accounted for nearly 0- percent of the entries... nd 25- percent resulted from &pdrivers. 126-145bea says: "it may be that people are more reflexively friggteneddif and that fear my quickly turn into aggravation oo agitationn somm people may be more predisposed to overrrespond,
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&palmost reflexively and that's road rage hard to get rid of." of."specialists say if you want to ut down on your own controoing your temper. the typp oo jjb you have .. may increase your risk for developing asthmm as an adult. researchers studied 75 - pundred adults... more than half who were office workers. ttey looked at job &phistories as well as syyptomm of asthha or bronchitis at ccrtain points of their lives... and found eighteen occupations with a strong link to increased asthma risk. anyone working wiih cleaning orrcleaning agents quadruplld their risk.. printing tripled hht rrsk and hairdressing doubled it. more than... 1900million people... are... iitout jobs.../ about... 40-million... looking. this... according to... an... annual report... fromm.. the... int'l... labor organization...///. eeperts... say... year.../ this because... of... the lack of jjbs... available...//. he rrport.... also
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shows... thoss... who have been out of work for 6- months... or longer..../ .damage... their long-term career possibilities. your../. i-phone... 5 ... may already... be outdated.'s... planning to elease... three... ew... i -phones this year... peeorts...///. one ... will... reportedly hhve... a larger screen../. and... another -- / a... southwest is rrlling out a new fee... for... early boardinn....// passengers... ccn now pay ...40-dollars to be part of the airline's... first bbarding group... / since... it... doess't... have assigned seating...//. currently... speciaa business class ..they ticket.../ or... "loyalty" program....// now... option... if... spots are available. "groupon" haa announced it's ending all current and future gun-relattd deals...///. this... after... the deadly connecticut... ssootinn...// all... existing and plaaned discounts... &p for... shooting ranges, ... conceal-and-carry ... and... clay shootiig... aree.. canceled.../// this... comes... under fire... from some busineeses... who... ssy...
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their deals... were caaceled... unfairly. 3 "every story has been told. and it'ssbattle of the harbaughs.what john and jim are ssyiig... about competition in the family. a city police officer charged wiih fighting druus is accused of trying to deal them. what he's telling a federal judge... in a m new at 5::3..a baltimore city
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police officer launches his defense against charges that he consp t


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